
October 1989 - 17 November 2005

This is my much loved little ginger "tripod". She had her left front leg amputated in 1992, when she was two years old. She slowed down considerably during her last couple of years - but she was an old lady. She was the first to arrive, as a "Christmas gift" . She was followed by Wellington, who came in through the cat flap; then Raq arrived. Suzie appeared to be pining for Raq and then she had a seizure; she took her last journey on 17 November 2005.

In October 2007, Cleo arrived as our "lady in residence", followed in June 2008 by Magnet, another black Labrador.

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Last modified 6 January, 2011

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The Age of George III Home Page

Ministerial Instability 1760-70

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