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2006— 15 December 2015


This is Cleo, who was "hanging around" even while Wellington was still with us. She was always hungry; then we discovered that she was going to have kittens. At that point, she disappeared. When she returned, she had had her babies but was still hungry.

In October 2007, once there was no cat in residence, she took the opportunity to move in. The "bald patch" is from surgery, when she was spayed.

Glyn says that Cleo is a "witch's cat"; the broomstick is in the garage...

As from 24 June 2008, she has had Magnet as a companion - or at least, as a puppy to chase her. She has been somewhat less than happy since he arrived, although she is learning to smack his nose when he gets near.

She wasn't so happy about the new arrival of March 2015 -- Alfie -- who has really upset the applecart in the household.

We lost her to a "hit and run" driver who was speeding in a 30 mph limit. My poor baby. The kitten who came to keep Alfie company now wears Cleo's collar!

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Last modified 25 April, 2017

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