The Peel Web

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Ellie (18 July 2016 - )


Just arrived; 10 weeks old

I'd been talking about "acquiring" a black kitten for a while -- for some reason, black cats aren't very popular although I love them to pieces! Then, one day in September 2016, a friend said she had "something" for me and produced a photo of this little girl. Ellie came home with me the following week and has been settling in ever since.

She and Alfie are getting on well now -- play-fighting, fighting and then partying through the night. Ellie is still scared to death of Magnet, who really doesn't know what to do with this kitten who spits furiously whenever she gets too close to him. I hope it won't be long before they are wrapping themselves round each other, as Mag and Alfie do!

Alfie and Ellie, fighting...


Curiouser and curiouser...


Meet the web creator

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Last modified 15 November, 2016

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