
The Age of George III

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The later Eighteenth Century was a time of change and conflict in Britain. This web presents some of the major themes of the period 1760-1830.

George III became King in 1760 and reigned until his death in 1820. His son George ruled the country as Prince Regent from 1811 until 1820, because of the King's incapacity to rule. In 1820, George IV became king in his own right.

List of
Primary Sources

The Eighteenth Century Constitution

in the 18th Century



American Affairs

Political Personalities

This topic page includes Prime Ministers and other personalities of this period

Britain and India

The period of peace

Pitt in Peacetime

Eighteenth Century ministries




The Age of the French Wars



The Peel Web takes up the story of events in Britain in the period 1830-50.

Links to other related sites

The Victorian Web is a site located at Brown University, Rhode Island and at the National University of Singapore. It has information on many aspects of Victorian History
The Irish Museum site is located in Waterford and has an excellent section on the Famine besides much other material on Irish history
Victorian Web Sites. This is a list of web sites for this period.
See this web site for links to numerous books on the Napoleonic wars
The Peel Society's Home page
The Tamworth Heritage Trust Home Page
An extensive site on the History and Heritage of Birmingham may be found by clicking here
"Letters from the Past" is a fascinating web site containing transcripts of original correspondence with thorough, clear annotations.
The United Kingdom web site of the European Regional Directory provides many links to related sites.
This site covers English history from 802 to the present.
See this site for an extensive collection of photgraphs of Queen Victoria and her times.
aims to unlock the secrets of the city, leading you to places of interest that most people don't realise exist.

The Gaspée incident during the lead-up to the American War of Independence is detailed in the following sites:
The Bucklin Society site
The Gaspée web site
The Diary Junction is a new internet resource providing information on, and links for, over 300 historical and literary diarists
The Georgian Index is an excellent site for resources on the Georgian period.
The Robert Owen Museum site is HERE --

Meet the web creator

These materials may be freely used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with applicable statutory allowances and distribution to students.
Re-publication in any form is subject to written permission.

Last modified 17 April, 2019

The Age of George III Home Page

Ministerial Instability 1760-70

Lord North's Ministry 1770-82

American Affairs 1760-83

The period of peace 1783-92

The Age of the French Wars 1792-1815 Irish Affairs 1760-89

Peel Web Home Page

Tory Governments 1812-30

Political Organisations in the Age of Peel

Economic Affairs in the Age of Peel

Popular Movements in the Age of Peel

Irish Affairs
Primary sources index British Political Personalities British Foreign policy 1815-65 European history
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