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Irish History - the Main Events 1893-1920

This document was written by Stephen Tonge. I am most grateful to have his kind permission to include it on the web site.

  • The Gaelic league was founded by Douglas Hyde and Eoin Mac Neill.
  • Foundation of the Irish Agricultural Organisation Society by Horace Plunkett.
  • William O'Brien's United Irish League founded.
  • Irish Local Government Act set up elective county and district councils
  • Reunion of the Home Rule Party under the leadership of John Redmond.
  • Death of Queen Victoria.
  • Edward VII became king.
  • Wyndham Land Act introduced.
  • Sinn Fein set up by Arthur Griffith.
  • Liberals return to power in Britain.
  • Birrell's Land Act increased the money available under the Wyndham Land Act for Land Purchase.
  • Two general elections fought in Britain on the issue of the House of Lords.
  • Home Rule party hold the balance of power.
  • Carson became the leader of Irish Unionists.
  • Death of Edward VII
  • George V king of England.
  • Parliament Act passed that abolished the veto power of the House of Lords. Bills can only be delayed for 2 years.
  • Third Home Rule Bill introduced into the House of Commons, due to become law in 1914.
  • Solemn League and Covenant signed throughout Ulster.
  • Formation of the Ulster Volunteer Force to resist Home Rule.
  • Irish Citizen Army founded to defend workers during the General Strike and Lockout that began in August.
  • Irish Volunteers founded in response to the Ulster Volunteers.
  • Curragh Mutiny revealed the depth of sympathy for the Unionist cause among officers in the British army in Ireland.
  • U.V.F. land arms at Larne
  • Buckingham Palace conference failed to solve the impasse over Home Rule.
  • Irish Volunteers land arms at Howth.
  • World War One broke out.
  • ome Rule was shelved until the end of the war.
  • Irish Volunteers split.
  • Military council of the I.R.B. formed (future signatories of the 1916 proclamation)
  • I.R.B. decided on a rebellion, planned for Easter Sunday.
  • Rising began on the 24th of April with the seizure of buildings in the centre of Dublin.
  • Rising ended five days later and the main leaders were executed.
  • Massive change in public opinion
  • Count Plunkett (father of executed 1916 leader) won the Roscommon by-election.
  • Irish Convention met to try and solve the Home Rule issue. Boycotted by Sinn Fein.
  • De Valera elected leader of Sinn Fein in October.
  • Redmond died. Succeeded by John Dillon as leader of the Home Rule party.
  • Threat of conscription united all of Nationalist Ireland in opposition. Sinn Fein got the credit for defeating its introduction.
  • General election in December resulted in a massive victory for Sinn Fein.
  • January- first meeting of the Dail and the War of Independence started
  • September - Dail Eireann declared illegal.
  • January: Black and Tans formed
  • June Sinn Fein win local council elections
  • November "Bloody Sunday"
  • December: Government of Ireland Act set up a six-county parliament for Northern Ireland and a parliament for the South. Ignored in Southern Ireland and the violence continued.

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Last modified 4 March, 2016

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