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Major General Sir Henry Frederick Cooke C.B., G.C.H (1784 - 1837)

It has been almost impossible to find biographical details of this man. If you can help, I would be very happy to hear from you.

Sir Henry Frederick Cooke was born in 1784, son of John George Cooke of Harefield Park, Middlesex. His elder brother was Lieutenant-General Sir George Cooke. His sister Penelope Anne married Robert Brudenell, sixth earl of Cardigan.

Cooke was a Staff Officer in Peninsula between 1809 and 1812, first as a Captain and then as Lieut-Colonel in the Coldstream Guards. As Assistant Adjutant General, he was attached to staff of Sir Charles Stewart. He was struck off the Peninsula returns, 24 February 1814. He then became aide-de-camp to H.R.H. the Duke of York from 1814 until 1827. After that, he became private secretary to the Duke of York.

Cooke was MP for Orford from 10 June 1826 until 10 December 1832. He was also a 'man about town'. Cooke was said to be the ugliest man in the British army. He lived at 50 Charles Street Berkley Square and married Katherine Wyndham, daughter of Admiral Wyndham of Fellbrig.

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Last modified 12 January, 2016

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