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Mr and Mrs. Drummond-Burrell (1782-1865; 1786-1865)

Sarah Clementina Drummond-Burrell was the only surviving child of James Drummond, 11th Earl of Perth. She married Peter Robert Burrell, a great dandy of the day, in 1807. On their marriage on19 October 1807 at his father-in-law's insistence, Burrell joined his wife's family name to his. Burrell's father had been created Lord Gwydyr, and in 1820 he succeeded to that title; his mother was Lady Willoughby de Eresby in her own right, and in 1828 he also succeeded to this title. Clementina became Lady Willoughby de Eresby. One of the young patroness of Almack's, she was considered, along with Lady Castlereagh, to be the highest stickler and overly grand.

Peter Robert Drummond-Burrell, 22nd Baron Willoughby de Eresby, 2nd Baron Gwydyr a Privy Counsellor was a British nobleman. He was the son of Peter Burrell, 1st Baron Gwydyr and Priscilla Bertie, 21st Baroness Willoughby de Eresby.

From 1812 to 1820, he was Member of Parliament for Boston in Lincolnshire. On 29 June 1820, he succeeded his father as 2nd Baron Gwydyr, 3rd Baronet Burell of Knipp and Deputy Lord Great Chamberlain. On 29 December 1828, he succeeded his mother as 22nd Baron Willoughby de Eresby and Joint Hereditary Lord Great Chamberlain.

The couple had three children. Lady Willoughby died on 26 January 1865 and he died nearly a month later.

See the Greville Memoirs

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Last modified 12 January, 2016

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