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Peel: the People’s Tribute tribute (1850?)

Britannia! Britannia! what makes thee complain
O why so in sorrow relenting?
Old England is lost, we are born down in pain
And the nation in grief is lamenting,
That excellent man the pride of the land,
Whom every virtue possessed him,
Has gone to that Home, from whence no one returns,
Our dear friend, Sir Robert, God rest him.

Talk of Canning and Pitt for their talents and wit.
And all who upheld that high station,
Oh! there has ne’er been such a noble Premier
As Sir Robert before in the nation,
He’d by no one be led, he’d by no one be said
No Government feared to trust him,
In every way he carried the sway,
For the good of his country, God rest him.

The Death of the Right Hon. Sir Robert Peel, a Song (London, no date).

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Last modified 4 March, 2016

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