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British India |
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This letter appears with the kind permission of David Eastaff. Copyright, of course, remains with him. Mr Eastaff has a number of queries about the letter which may be found here, along with the original notes that Mr Eastaff sent. If any reader is able to help, please contact him directly.
In this typed version, the original spelling and (lack of) punctuation is retained. The symbol / denotes the probable end of a sentence. The correct spelling of some of the words is added in square brackets. The pictures are hot-spots for larger images.
Dear Mother it is with great pleasure that I write you this few lines hoping
it may find you all in good health as it leaves me at present thank God for
it but I have had many narrow Escaps since I left Culcutta / we left Culcutta
on the 26 of September and then we Came as far as Alahabad / that is bout 5
hundred mils by bullick train and then e had to walk the rest / to you that
is 120 mils further / and last Saturday we herd that the Enemy ware in front
of us / and on Saturday we marcht 24 miles / and on Sunday morning we Startead
again at 5 Oclock in purecout [pursuit] of the Enemy in the jungle / and we
came up with them about 2 Oclock in the afternonn after marching 28 mils that
morning / and then the action began / the balls flew about my head lik an ale
[hail] Storm / and we peaperd [peppered] it into them as weel [well] / when
the action began we ware onely 650 of us altogether with 2 brass Canons / and
the Enemy ware 4000 of them and had 3 brass Cannons / and battel began about
2 in the affternoon and it Ended about 5 in the Evening when we drove them Clean
out of the place and took thare 3 Canons from them and a lot of horses and difrent
[different] outher things / altogether we had 27 kild and 63 wounded and the
Enemy had 528 kild and 12 hunderd wounded / in our company we had 1 Man kild
and 5 wounded / our
Captain ware shot through both thighs but he is geting better again / the name
of the place whare the battel ware fought ware Khugaa [?] / but I am happy to
tell you that I Came off without a Scratch thank god for it is an afful [awful]
thing to go over the battel fild [field] after it is over but I am hapy to think
I have had a look at the vilens [villains] to Reveng my poor Countery men that
has been so barbesely [barbarously] murderd by them / there is not a uripean
[European] dweling nor a Church in the hole [whole] Countery but whas has been
Entirely Destroyed / and whare we are now is whare
took all the poor women and Children ware taken and most barbesely murderd /
to the same place we have Erected a galis [gallows?] and thare is 3 only hung
thare Every Day what they tak [take] prisiners [prisoners] / we are going further
up the Countery in a day or so to Lucknow with Sur Colen Cambel [Sir
Colin Campbell] / and when that is take it will Soon be over / it is moor
[more] than pen Can do to Describe it all but I hope I Shall live to Come home
and then I Shall be abel [able] to tell you all about it / I have never recivead
[received] any letter from you yet but I hope you are all well / I Supos [suppose]
you have heard all about the war eer Since It began / I hope I Shall Come home
and See you all yet but if I am Kild I hope we shall all meat [meet] aogain
[again] in Heaven it will be in defence of my queen and Countery / and now I
don't think I have aney [any] thing to Say at present So I must Conclude with
my love to all and I Remain your Ever Affictonate [affectionate] Son
Wm Pugsley
I will Rite again Soon
Good by Good [God] bless
you all
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Last modified
13 February, 2019