The Vietnam War – Links Page

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The Vietnam War – Links Page

This document was written by Stephen Tonge. I am most grateful to have his kind permission to include it on the web site.

The Vietnam War is very well served on the web. Here is a brief selection of the websites that are available for you to browse.

In February 2010 I received this email from Jim Pollock, which may be of use to students.

Sending teams of artists into the war-torn  fields of Vietnam  is a  little known aspect of the Vietnam War you might find of interest.

US Army Soldier Artists in Vietnam

From August 1966 through 1970 the US Army sent teams of artists into Vietnam to make visual interpretations with their art for the annals of army military history. In 1967,  Jim Pollock was one of these soldier artists on US Army Vietnam Combat Art Team IV (CAT IV). All of the original art done by this cadre of over 40 army artists is permanently housed in the U.S. Army Center of Military History Army Art Collection in Washington, DC.

Pollock writes about his experiences as a soldier artist in an essay titled US army Soldier Artists in Vietnam published by WAR, LITERATURE & THE ARTS, An International Journal of the Humanities published by the Department of English and Fine Arts at the United States Air Force Academy.

Essay in PDF format for reading, archiving or making links

  • There is a review of the essay by Middle Border Sun blog by Todd Epp

    War Literature and The Arts web site

    More U. S. Army Vietnam Combat Art Program information is to be found here

    For more information about the U. S. Army Art Collection in Washington, D.C. you can view  the YOUTUBE archive of the CBS program SUNDAY MORNING NEWS which aired a program about the army art collection.


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    Last modified 22 May, 2020 e -->

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