The Vietnam War – Links Page
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The Vietnam War – Links Page
This document was written by Stephen Tonge.
I am most grateful to have his kind permission to include it on the web site.
The Vietnam War is very well served on the web. Here is a brief selection
of the websites that are available for you to browse.
- Vietnam Online is an online
companion to Vietnam – A Television History from PBS. Very
professional and student orientated with a timeline, who’s who, primary
sources, maps and reflections on the War.
- Wikipedia article about
the war. Detailed examination where many terms, leaders and events are linked
to other wikipedia articles and this allows you to find out more.
- Battlefield Vietnam is
also from PBS. It is more military focused with a brief history of the war.
The site looks at the air war, guerrilla tactics and examines one siege during
the war.
- CNN – Vietnam:
1954-68 Excellent episode on Vietnam from the Cold War series by
CNN. It contains an examination of Dien Bien Phu the defeat
that marked the end of French involvement. The war and its effects
on US policy are also dealt with. There are interviews with some of the leading
players in the war (some on video). There are also primary documents, biographies,
interactive maps and an examination of how the media covered the war.
- Very professional and privately run site called The
Vietnam War. It looks at the war through a large collection of captioned
photographs. There is also a timeline, links page and an analysis of the
- The History Place examines
the Vietnam War with a very detailed timeline detailing the causes, course
and end of the war.
- The Wars for Vietnam site is run
by an American University called Vassar College. It contains
a good overview of the war with primary documents and a links page.
- Vietnam War Index contains
a host of articles about political and military leaders, issues, events and
organisations. There is also a page of well-explained links to relevant websites.
From the Spartacus Educational website designed for students.
- The Virtual Wall is an on-line
version of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, DC, and has
thousands of personalized tributes to the men and women who died in the war.
Remembrances contain photographs, letters, poems, military citations, and
personal accounts.
- Very informative page called Statistics
about the Vietnam War that sets out to debunk some of the myths about
the war. Site is run by the Vietnam Helicopter Flight Crew Network.
- A source-based study from the British
National Archives that asks “Was Vietnam a turning
point in the Cold War?” There are good explanatory notes on
both the background history and on each of the source documents. An excellent
student-orientated resource.
- Interesting site called Another
Vietnam which contains rarely seen photographs taken by the North Vietnamese
during the war. Companion site for an exhibition held in a New York Museum.
- Vietnam
War: History Website from the BBC that examines the
causes, course and results of the war. Contains maps throughout.
- From the National Archives in the US this site is called The
War in Vietnam – A Story in Photographs. It is designed for teachers
allowing the war to be taught through the medium of photographs taken during
the war. Good explanatory notes on the media during the war.
- Interesting examination of the war reporting and technology during the
Vietnam War. Site is from the Newseum,
the interactive Museum of News.
- Article from the BBC news site that examines the long-term effect of Agent
Orange on the people of Vietnam.
- Collection of contemporary documents dealing with the Vietnam War. Page
is part of the Internet
Modern History Sourcebook.
- Detailed Glossary of
the terminology and slang used by US soldiers during the War from the Vietnam
- The Ultimate Guide to Military Records for Genealogy is a web site that focuses on American Wars between the Revolutionary War and WWII and helps people find their ancestors who served. It is owned by Marc McDermott. I am grateful to him for drawing this site to my attention.
In February 2010 I received this email from Jim Pollock, which may be of use to students.
Sending teams of artists into the war-torn fields of Vietnam is a little known aspect of the Vietnam War you might find of interest.
US Army Soldier Artists in Vietnam
From August 1966 through 1970 the US Army sent teams of artists into Vietnam to make visual interpretations with their art for the annals of army military history. In 1967, Jim Pollock was one of these soldier artists on US Army Vietnam Combat Art Team IV (CAT IV). All of the original art done by this cadre of over 40 army artists is permanently housed in the U.S. Army Center of Military History Army Art Collection in Washington, DC.
Pollock writes about his experiences as a soldier artist in an essay titled US army Soldier Artists in Vietnam published by WAR, LITERATURE & THE ARTS, An International Journal of the Humanities published by the Department of English and Fine Arts at the United States Air Force Academy.
Essay in PDF format for reading, archiving or making links
There is a review of the essay by
Middle Border Sun blog by Todd Epp
War Literature and The Arts web site
More U. S. Army Vietnam Combat Art Program information is to be found here
For more information about the U. S. Army Art Collection in Washington, D.C. you can view the YOUTUBE archive of the CBS program SUNDAY MORNING NEWS which aired a program about the army art collection.
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Last modified
22 May, 2020
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