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Soviet Russia 1920-1945: web sites
This document was written by Stephen Tonge.
I am most grateful to have his kind permission to include it on the web site.
Lenin and Stalin
A large number of the websites listed are about the two key personalities,
Lenin and Stalin. This is a small selection of the vast number of websites
that deal with this key period.
Warning: Always be careful with Lenin and Stalin (and Hitler) as the
sites may be political and therefore not objective.
Sites marked with an asterisk would be very useful for weaker students.
- *Student friendly biography on Lenin from Spartacus
Educational. Primary sources at the end of the article with clickable
links throughout the article to related topics.
- *A good biography of Lenin from Time
- *This is another biography of Lenin from the excellent BBC
history website. Page contains links to relevant resources.
- Resource called the Lenin
Internet Archive. Very informative with a good collection of picture
- Website of the Lenin
Museum in Moscow. Very pro-communist but an interesting perspective.
- Detailed biography from Wikipedia,
the online encylopedia.
- A political and cultural history of Russia based on the PBS series, the Face
of Russia
- *Excellent collection of links from Channel 4 called “Stalin
: A beginner’s guide. organized into different themes.
Includes relevant books as well.
- +One page biography from the BBC historic
figures collection. Page has links to other relevant websites.
- Another BBC article about Stalin called “Humanising
Stalin” by the historian Simon Sebag Montefiore.
- *Good and easy to follow biography from the Sparatcus
Educational site. Primary sources and clickable links throughout the
- In-depth Wikipedia article
about Stalin.
- *An article from the National
Archives in Britain that examines through primary documents
the Industrialisation of the USSR under Stalin. Very good and
student friendly.
- *A very interesting site from the news museum about the falsification
of images in Stalin’s Russia called the Commissar
- A very detailed Russian website called the Stalin
Biographical Chronicle.. Click on the dateline to find out more.
- Another website from the PBS network about Citizen
Kurchatov, Stalin’s atomic bomb maker. The site gives an excellent
overview of Soviet Russia.
- A collection of primary documents on 20th Century Soviet history
from the Russian
News Network.
- A Library of Congress exhibit called “Revelations
from the Russian Archives” dealing with terror in the Soviet
Union. Very informative.
- Large collection of primary documents with biography from the Stalin
Reference Archive.
- Large collection of primary documents on Soviet History from the Internet
Modern History Sourcebook. Scroll down the page for many interesting
documents from the Stalinist period.
The Gulags
- *Website from the Central European University about
the Gulags called Forced
Labor Camps. Large number of primary sources.
- Personal account of life in Kolyma – the
centre of hell in the Gulag system.
- Russian website called Memorial that
is dedicated to the victims of repression in the Soviet Era.
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Last modified
12 January, 2016