is the Watchword - the talisman word,
That the WATERLOO-MAN's to
crush with his sword
It will set both his sword and him at defiance;
And assist its best Champions, who then dare invade it?
Tis the terrible WORD OF FEAR night and morn, To the Guilty Trio
all covered with scorn; |

"Burghers, men immaculate perhaps in all their
private functions, once combin'd, become a loathsome body, only fit
for dissolution.
Power usurp'd is weakness when oppos'd; conscious of wrong, 'tis pusilanimous
and prone to flight.
I could endure chains nowhere patiently' and chains at home, where I
am free by birthright, not at all.
First, to the Doctor of Circular
fame, a Driv'ller, a Bigot, a Knave without shame:
And next Derry Down Triangle by name, from
the Land of Mis-rule, and Half-hanging, and Flame.
And then, to the Spouter of Froth
by the hour, the worthless Colleague of their infamous power;
Who dubb'd him 'the Doctor', whom now he calls 'brother',
And, to get at his Place, took a shot at the other;
Who haunts their Bad House, a base living to earn,
By playing Jack-Pudding, and Ruffian in turn;
Who bullies for those, whom he bullied before;
Their Flash-man, their Bravo, a son of a -----

THE DOCTOR: "At his last gasp - as if with opium
DERRY-DOWN TRIANGLE: "He that sold his country".
THE SPOUTER OF FROTH: "With merry descants on a nation's woes
- there is a public mischief in his mirth".
THE GUILTY TRIO: "Great skill have they in palmistry,
and more to conjure clean away the gold they touch.
Converying worthless dross into its place; Loud when they beg, dumb
only when they steal.
* * * * *
Dream after dream ensues' and still they dream that they shall still
succeed, and still are disappointed
The hate
of thePeople, all tattered and torn, who curse the day wherein
they were born
On account of taxation too great to be borne, and pray for relief from
night to morn,
Portentous, unexampled, unexplain'd!
What man seeing this, and having human feelings, does
not blush and hang his head, to think himself a man?
I cannot rest a silent witness of the headlong rage or
heedless folly by which thousands die - bleed gold for Ministers to
sport away.
Who in vain
Petition in every form, who peaceably Meeting to ask for Reform
Were sabred by Yeomanry Cavalry, who

"Ruffians are abroad - Leviathan is not so
Were thank'd
by THE MAN all shaven and shorn, all covered with Orders - and all forlorn;
THE DANDY OF SIXTY, who bows with a grace, and has taste in wigs,
collars, cuirasses, and lace;
Who to tricksters and fools, leaves the State and its treasure,
And when Britain's in tears, sails about at his pleasure;
Who spurned from his presence the Friends
of his youth,
And now has not one who will tell him the truth; |

"Great offices will have great talents"
Who took
to his counsels, in evil hour,
the Friends to the Reasons of Lawless Power
that back the Public Informer, who
The seals of office glitter in his eyes;
He climbs, he pants, he grasps them -
To be a pest where he was useful once
put down the Thing, that, in spite of new Acts, And attempts
to restrain it, by Soldiers or Tax,

"Once enslaved, farewell!
Do I forebode impossible events, and tremble at vain dreams? Heaven
grant I may!"
Will poison
the Vermin |

"A race obscene, spawn'd in the muddy beds of Nile,
came forth, polluting Egypt: gardens, fields, and plains, were covered
with the pest
The croaking nuisance lurked in every nook' nor palaces, nor even chambers,
escaped; and the land stank - so numerous was the fry.
that plunder
the Wealth |

"Not to understand a treasure's worth till time
has stolen away the slighted good,
Is cause of half the poverty we feel, and makes the world the wilderness
it is".
lay in the House that Jack built. |